No time or desire to carefully plot a wall-art arrangement? Grab a hammer and throw tradition to the wind.
Are you one of those people who's afraid to pound nails into freshly painted walls for fear that you'll put a hole in the "wrong" place? Well, fear no more. Hanging wall decor at random is easier than ever and can give a space a sense of individuality that perfect gridlike arrangements can't.
The key is to keep the arrangement loose but the spacing tight so that the overall effect is one large focal point. Repeat key elements — colors, materials, shapes — within the arrangement for a look that is casual yet pulled together.
Create loosely arranged gallery walls in family spaces for a fun effect, in formal areas for a touch of informality, in modern rooms for a dose of personality, in work spaces for inspiration and in small vignettes for spontaneity.
So put away the tape measure, stand back and sneak a peek at the bigger, more imperfect picture. It'll have you filling those walls with holes in no time.
The key is to keep the arrangement loose but the spacing tight so that the overall effect is one large focal point. Repeat key elements — colors, materials, shapes — within the arrangement for a look that is casual yet pulled together.
Create loosely arranged gallery walls in family spaces for a fun effect, in formal areas for a touch of informality, in modern rooms for a dose of personality, in work spaces for inspiration and in small vignettes for spontaneity.
So put away the tape measure, stand back and sneak a peek at the bigger, more imperfect picture. It'll have you filling those walls with holes in no time.
Thwart the difficult mission of finding the perfect-size piece to fill a narrow stairwell by grouping together an eclectic array of framed art and mirrors. The placement around this doorway is balanced but not perfectly symmetrical, lending a casual feel.
For a family-friendly room, display happy artwork in frames of the same material but of different sizes. Repeating the same frame on one wall unifies the art. Contrary to popular belief, filling a wall with art to the ceiling can actually make it seem taller.
Use a sliver of wall space to create a spontaneous vignette that includes wall-hugging furniture and a medley of wall decor. Defy convention and hang contemporary canvases among vintage photographs and gilded mirrors. Relate the arrangement to the furniture by extending it down the wall as well as up.
Use a cluster of colorful artwork to pick up on the color scheme of a room. Here, pinks, browns and aquas lift the otherwise all-white decor. Hang large-scale pieces in the middle of the arrangement with smaller frames tightly surrounding them for one big focal point.

Loosely arranged wall art can be sophisticated. Mix and match frame sizes but keep the color scheme subdued and restricted. Limit the palette to two or three hues. In this living room, the gold, brown and cream art collection is proper while the imperfect arrangement is casual. It's a contrast that works.
In a home office, group an assortment of inspirational prints and photos above the desk to keep creative juices flowing. Hang larger frames first, then fill in the gaps with smaller ones. Change out artwork as necessary to keep a fresh perspective.
For a cleaner look, line up the bottom edge of a loose arrangement with the back of a sofa and keep the spaces between frames to a minimum. In this neutral living room, black frames contrast against a white wall and pick up on the black details of the throw pillows.
Get playful in a casual living space by creating a loosely arranged focal point on an architecturally defunct wall. Skip the popular grid arrangement and hang frames at random. This gives you the freedom to add more art on a whim.
An obvious choice above a mantel is a mirror. But for a more laid-back feel, hang a large piece of artwork off-center and lean a smaller frame against the wall. This uncontrived setup brings a sense of informality to an otherwise formal space.